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In my artistic journey, spanning video, photography, graphic design, sculpture, and painting, I am driven by a profound belief in the value of every individual's story.


Just as my lens captures the essence of human connection in intimate and thought-provoking images, my broader artistic endeavors aim to amplify the voices of those often unheard. Inspired by visionaries like Lee Jeffries, Stephan Vanfleteren, and the raw honesty of Soft White Underbelly, I seek to unveil the true essence of each subject, celebrating their individuality and humanity.


Whether through the lens or the stroke of a brush, I weave a narrative that connects humanity, from canal characters to inner-city souls. Rooted in authenticity, my portraits capture raw emotion and vulnerability, building connections through storytelling.


As an artist, my ultimate goal is to provoke thought, inspire connections, and document the profound stories carried by everyday people. Through the power of visual expression, I explore the human experience, celebrating the unique beauty inherent in each individual.

Through the lens of a photographer, my goal is to capture the essence of the human connection through intimate and thought provoking images. Taking heavy influence from photographers such as Lee Jeffries, Stephan Vanfleteren and also the raw and honest work of Soft White Underbelly, I strive to capture the true essence of each person I photograph..........

Through projections and photography, this project aims to shed light on the topic of love and legacy through the evolution of time and to highlight the importance of relationship. This project has an undertone of a fine-dining element but.....

Here you will find a vibrant exploration of cultural progression through the lens of satire and Procreate artistry. Through insightful interviews with individuals of Indian heritage now contributing to Ireland's dynamic tapestry, these narratives have been translated into captivating poster designs. Delve into the humor-laden portrayal of their experiences, each illustration a witty homage to the shared journey of settling on Emerald Shores. With Procreate's digital brushstrokes, we invite you to join us on this graphic odyssey, celebrating diversity, shared stories, and the unique fusion of Indian culture in the heart of Ireland.
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This project celebrates the unsung heroes of gourmet artistry—the chefs. Through the strokes of painting and the finesse of sculpture, we unveil the stories behind the culinary magic, portraying chefs as the pillars of success in the realm of fine dining.
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